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If you or a family member has been the victim of a crime in the U.S. such as: domestic violence, assault, sexual assault, have suffered mental or physical abuse, and helped the police during the investigation process then, you may qualify for U-Visa status. Once you are granted U-Visa status you are able to get a work permit and social security card. After (3) years you may also be eligible to apply for a green card. There are rules as to what type of crimes are protected under U-Visa, therefore it is important to talk to us to verify eligibility.
If approved, you may also be eligible to obtain a green card. However, being the victim of domestic violence or assault does not automatically make someone eligible for VAWA, it is important to meet with an experienced immigration attorney to ensure that you do not have any other of items inadmissibility.
T (Trafficking) Visa
T visas are offered to victims of human trafficking who are already present in the country and are eager to help with the investigation or prosecution of the crime. If they have complied with any reasonable request from law enforcement for assistance in the detection, investigation, or prosecution of human trafficking or meet the requirements for an exemption or exception, certain victims of a severe form of human trafficking may be granted temporary immigration benefits that allow them to remain in the United States for an initial period of up to 4 years.
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